Dope Labs Podcast Latest Episode: The Retail Apocalypse

 Spotify's Dope Labs podcast is more than just a "science podcast." It's science with a dose of attitude and a smidgen of snark. Its two hosts --Dr. Zakiya Whatley and Dr. Titi Shodiya keep the tone light but the science deep on their show.

  Spotify’s Dope Labs, returns with a brand-new episode on Retail Apocalypse, looking at how retail and consumer shopping experience has changed in the last decade.

Dope Labs podcast logo graphic


Hosts Dr. Titi Shodiya and Dr. Zakiya Whatley sit down with Barbara Kahn, author of The Shopping Revolution to take a look at fast fashion and the several factors that have led to the rise of online shopping, and the impact on the environment, and more. 

Kahn had provided a breakdown in 2017 when it was dubbed the Retail Apocalypse and the reasons why physical retailers were closing down exponentially. Reasons included: 

  • Rise of online shopping also known as the “Amazon Effect”
  • Better deals at lower end department stores
  • Rise of demand of cosmetics and beauty 

To cover EVERYTHING RETAIL,  Dr. Titi and Dr. Zakiya are releasing a two-part fashion series, with the second part releasing next week. 

  You can listen to Part One of the Retail Apocalypse HERE

At Dope Labs, they believe “science is for errybody” and their mission is to bring out the inner scientist in YOU. Recent episodes include the science of sleep and the in's and put's of the human immune system.

“I am a molecular biologist and lifetime learner. I talk too much and usually laugh too loud. I believe science actually is "for errrrbody" & I'll prove it to you - one episode at a time," says Dr. Zakiya Whatley.

“I am a materials scientist and engineer. I love hip hop, dark lipstick, big hair, and winged eyeliner. I am the people’s scientist and I believe the only dumb questions are the ones not asked," says Dr. Titi Shodiya.
