"Twenty Thousand Hertz" Latest Episode: The Subway and Train Announcements

  "Stand clear of the closing doors." 

Anyone who has heard this repetitive announcement has responded with either humor or annoyance. The latest episode of Twenty Thousand Hertz, called "Mind Gap," deals with announcements like this one. 

Graphic figure waiting for a train.
Art by George Butler.

The voices of subway and train announcements are deeply ingrained in peoples’ lives. Many of us hear them every day, for years on end. And yet, hardly anyone knows who those voices belong to. 

In this episode, Twenty Thousand Hertz uncovers the human stories behind two of the most iconic transit systems in the world: the New York City Subway, and the London Tube. Featuring NYC Subway announcer Charlie Pellett and Tube announcer Elinor Hamilton

You can listen to the episode here.  

 In other news, Twenty Thousand Hertz has won the 2022 Ambie Award for Best Production and Sound Design.

The Ambies are the Oscars of podcasting, except that no one got slapped at that award ceremony.

Watch Dallas Taylor's acceptance speech here.

"I'm honored that my podcast took home the Best Production & Sound Design award from The Ambies," said Dallas Taylor, host and founder of Twenty Thousand Hertz. "All credit goes to the best group of sound designers I've ever worked with at Defacto Sound."
Dallas Taylor accepting an Ambie Award
Dallas Taylor accepting an Ambie Award.

Finally, are you old enough to remember the 900 number craze? If so, Twenty Thousand Hertz would love to hear your memories! Did you ever call one? How did it go? 
Leave Twenty Thousand Hertz a voicemail here, and they might use your voice in an upcoming episode.
