lenny.fm -- How You Can Support Your Favorite Indie Podcasters

 There's a famous TV commercial (for Boomers) that ran in 1984 called Hair Club For Men. In the one-minute commercial, a man with nicely combed full black hair, Sy Sperling, pitches bald men on the virtues of purchasing a toupee. At the end of the commercial, Sy Sperling says while holding up a photo of him with a bald head, "I'm not just the president of the company, I'm a client."

I tell you that upfront because I want you to know that I am a customer of lenny.fm. I think it's a terrific tool for podcast listeners who want to support their favorite indie podcasts and stay within their budget.

 Here's their marketing pitch: "Your podcasts walk with you, talk with you, shown up for you in the podcast app — they do the show for you."

"Lenny.fm is a new way to support the people you spend so much time with. And to help them spend more time with you," says Courtney Carthy of Lenny.fm.

"It’s built for the podcast ecosystem, for podcast fans and podcast creators," Courtney continues. "For listeners, you can support the great work of the podcasts you enjoy listening to. A little makes a lot of difference."

"For podcast creators," Courtney adds. "If you want to monetize, Lenny.fm is one of many great options. Why not have more than one?"

Courtney Carthy, part of the founding team, says the concept came from his experience running a podcast production company and working in the music industry.

For me, I believe that most indie podcasts don't have as many listeners as you'd think, and most podcast creators do it without expectation that it'll be a full-time gig.

That’s why I’m asking you to consider supporting the indie podcasts you love.

Podcast consultant George Witt framed lenny.fm this way: "If you sign up and spend $4 a month, the podcasts you enjoy will likely be around for longer, be able to put more effort into doing what they do best, and be amazingly grateful for it." 

How does lenny.fm work?

  • Listeners choose 4 or more podcasts to support in order of preference
  • Listeners contribute US$4 a month, which is split between the top 4 podcasts they chose.
  • If a podcast in their top 4 doesn’t publish an episode that month, the preferences reorder to 4 that have.
  • The podcast can choose how best to reward listeners supporting them via Lenny.fm, if they choose to.

 I signed up for lenny.fm early on and the process was easy and seamless. I created an account, chose my four indie podcasts -- each of which would receive one dollar, and then hoped others would subscribe and support their favorite indie podcasters. If my favorite podcast has others who signed up, the podcaster would begin to see some real currency to help monetize their efforts.

"Indie podcasters don't have a Wondery, iHeart or Spotify to spend money on production costs, marketing, distribution, and salaries," notes podcast consultant George Witt.

 Courtney Carthy of lenny.fm notes: "The biggest hurdle is not having a succinct way to explain how Lenny works. It does a few cool things all at once, behind the scenes, with very minimal effort from either Creators or Listeners."

"This is our problem, and we're working on it constantly," Courtney adds.

When I asked Courtney about the reaction from creators when they find out that a listener has signed up on Lenny.fm to support them, she answered: "Often delighted and surprised after we introduce them to Lenny.fm. A couple of Creators immediately said they'd like to contact their supporters and say thanks. We're working on this functionality."

Courtney adds: "Creators with paid supporters are similarly getting purposeful and meaningful appreciation. It's actual money that Listeners are choosing to put down and back the Creators they enjoy."

Courtney posted a question on a Creator Facebook Group - "How did you feel when a listener said thanks to you for making your podcast?"
Here's what Jennica Sadhwani of the Multispective podcast, who received money via lenny.fm said: "I just received my first podcast dollar thanks to you ❤️ thank you so much for that it means the whole world to know that the work we put in is appreciated and valued. I hope this can one day be a full-time job and the impact can be widespread. But honestly, I was so excited when I got the email, it felt like a dream turned reality."
Here's a comment from a listener who is a subscriber of lenny.fm.

From Nina, supporting podcasts via Lenny.fm

"It resonated with me because I truly appreciate the joy my regular podcasts bring to me and how much time it must take to create them. The creators deserve to be paid for their time and talents."

Lenny.fm is an ideal way to support indie podcasters. I urge to support these indie podcasters. Look what's happening in the network-supported podcast world. These large podcasts networks continue to hide their podcasts behind paywalls. The New York Times just began a subscription service. Wondery has Wondery Plus, and so on.
Indie podcasts don't have that luxury. They need your support.

 Lenny.fm was also a sponsor of the Ear Worthy Independent Podcast Awards that were handed out in July. They are committed to indie podcasters.
Try lenny.fm. Choose a bundle of shows you enjoy to support for only US$4 a month.
Finally, to end at the beginning, here is a photo of Sy Sperling, President --and client -- of Hair Club For Men.


